Sunday Sermon
The Devil is the antithesis of God, and you'll see it manifested more and more as we enter the Biblical Armageddon.
EASTER is today… Today Jesus rises from death, body and soul and ascends to heaven! … it has been assigned as our restful prayerful day.
I do encourage you to take at least five minutes to close your eyes and thank God for your life, regardless of your state. For those having a hard time connecting to your spiritual self, then ask for “God to manifest in your life”, just a little prayer with intensity ask, and say:
“Please Lord Jesus Christ, manifest in my life that I may believe.”
that’s it, it doesn’t take hardly anytime.
Repeat this phrase mentally throughout your day and in no time at all, even maybe immediately Jesus will answer. Pay attention bc he will answer!
You may also say as in the Bible Mark 9:23
“Oh Lord I believe! Help thou mine unbelief!”
This comes as some have asked me if the Bible is real, after reading my little post yesterday where I said we are “energy pings” It confuses them because most of you have been seeing this life as THE “reality”.
This life is as real as your belief. Because we are a projection of the Deity, GOD, emanating thoughts which are frequencies made of sound and light. So yes, we are as real as we believe and everything that belief entails, but because the THOUGHT comes first, in the alchemical action produced by the combination of frequency of sound and light plus free will or intent, the true reality is thought before the visual manifestation, and it is at that level we make changes. So, it is our thoughts we must control in this 3D or earthly plane. Hence Jesus said:
“Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things” Philippians 4:8.
Some of us are spiritually stronger than others, like Jesus, and those who can control 3D and appear to do miracles are called “Masters”. What was Jesus a Master of? he was a Master of ALL THE DIMENSIONS of being, from the 1st to the 9th level called the Throne of God, When Jesus was crucified and died, he traversed all the levels of being including Hell, and in the Apostles Creed, we say,
…. was crucified, died and was buried.
He descended into hell.
on the third day He rose again from the dead.
He ascended into heaven,
and is seated at the right hand of God the Father Almighty…”
Evil people can sometimes be stronger than a good person because of the intensity of their belief, however if you don’t have Karma to pay within the scope of their evil reality, then God or the Divine Law will protect you. The common belief that:
“Bad things happen to good people” … is a fallacy, it should be reworded, to:
“Bad things happen to good people who have karma to pay.”
“Daniel in the Lion’s den” is an example of evil intent that could not be applied where the Law hasn’t been broken and could not resonate within the reality of Daniel’s frequency. A “miracle” happened.
Since Jesus was one with God and the Divine Law which is God, he knew it all and his frequency of light and sound was the strongest, so he completed the cycle of learning and ascended into heaven body and all.
And this man asked me:
“So why the hell did he put up with all the bull shit of being crucified?!”
Because being that he was here, at this level with us, he would have to confront and deal with all of the opposing thoughts/forces and demonstrate to his disciples in “the flesh” that he could change this reality and demonstrate this reality wasn’t solid nor finite and show the way in which we could free ourselves as he did for himself. Jesus came to “conquer the flesh” said the Magi, something they themselves were in training for, and hope to accomplish someday.
“How did he save me from my sins then…?”
Jesus “saved you from your sins”, only in the sense that he demonstrated how and for those who were present at the time he changed their reality and brought them up to a finer reality where they promptly faced their karma and were crucified, or fed to the lions etc. A symbolic mini crucifixion. The Hebrews of Jesus all died and the few who survived died later.
What we have now are the Fake Anunnaki Jews of Reptilian origin, and perhaps some of the original Hebrew souls who have Karma to pay incarnated as “Fake Jews” to find Christianity again as this Professor Roy Schoeman tells us.
Because Karma allows (The law of cause and effect) you will pay for your actions when is best for you to truly learn and change. Unless of course you messed up really bad and end up in hell. Like pedophiles and animal abusers who act on their tendencies.
An example of Karma well paid is, Dr. Juliette M Engle’s story, “Sparky”. How do I know it was Karma? I said it above, if you still don’t understand, study waves and frequencies of sound and light and apply it to your life. Basically, little baby Juliette M Engle, in the scope of her eternal life, had brought Karma to pay from another life, the negative frequencies were there, otherwise it is a mathematical impossibility.
I cannot fathom the degree of suffering she was put through, and the magical way by which she survived it, only to go on with an amazing exemplary life of goodwill towards man, and to save perhaps millions of children by now. The children who could have fallen victims of Human Sex Trafficking, and thousands who did.
It is a terrible thing there is only one Dr. Juliette M. Engel and she is elderly and retired, to a well-deserved peace. She is a genius and an extremely brave woman.
So, Dr. Engel paid her Karma, but turned around her suffering into good, she did not become a pedophile herself and she did not join the horrible pedophiles later in life to exploit children. Read it and learn.
So, how Jesus “freed you from your sins”. First, he taught the Christian doctrine and explained the 10 commandments in detail and did much explaining in relation to what and who we are and who made us and how we function. He also explained how this dimension functions. This practice of the Christian doctrine if followed to the letter will etherealize you and as you apply yourself to it in direct proportion will be your development, if you don’t lie to yourself and cheat. It is an austere discipline he is demanding of us.
But austere only for those who have tendencies to sin. To a pure soul this Christian discipline is pure joy! and as told to us by thousands of priests who have succeeded in the practice of the letter, like Father James Blount, St. Francis, St. Claire and many more, their lives are nothing but joy and die with a smile on their faces.
You will experience “psychic” and “miraculous” phenomena, as the veil lifts from your metaphysical eyes and you understand more. Because the closer you are to God the more you reflect him.
BUT! Even the Devil and bad people, who applied the thought, intent and visual practice in a state of prayer or meditation, will be able to change a reality of their choice. Because the Law is set, and we were all created equal so we can all use it as we please because we have free will, so yes you can use it for evil, but:
“Offences will come but woe unto him, through whom they come!”
Especially when you already know it is an evil thing you do. Then the word condemnation is involved in the verdict.
We must know them by their acts, because sooner or later they show their “true colors”.
I only follow God, and Jesus is to me an avatar or God incarnated. Hence, I always and only follow God.
Jesus came at a time when the Anunnaki beings, “Pharisees” had taken over the Hebrew culture. Just as they are now taking over the American Culture and Government and guess what? this is why there is a Second Coming…but this time, Jesus is not patient and…poof! “They go kaput” for ever!
Zecharia Sitchin doesn’t say this, he only translated the ancient documents found in the 1800’s and not translated until early 1920’s and made a correlation to some beings that looked like the Jews of today.
But studying the Bible and other apocrypha, I see a physical difference between the Pharisees type and the original Hebrews. I see what might’ve happened to these lost children of the Anunnaki described in the Sumerian Tablets, who were an illegal genetic experiment, and survived the Biblical flood.
It’s fascinating really, I found a correlation even between them and the servants of Count Dracula, lol! which was later confirmed by the Rothschilds and Prince Charles of England.
NOTE: Currently the same “Reptilian” fake Anunnaki Jews, are changing and attempting to change the Bible again and the Constitution of the United States because they have gained control of key positions inside the United States Government
Many like President Trump, Q Anon Shaman J Chansley, and thousands other “Targeted Individuals” who suffer because those in government are abusing power and misusing the Constitutional Laws, are symbolic of a mini crucifixion, just like Jesus, and they are attempting to save us from “The Reptiles” or “Reptilians” who follow “the Devil their father” as in Jesus times, by telling us and suffering ridicule and more.
To save us from people like Nancy Pelosi, who literally looks like a succubus from hell, the walking skeleton, so scary, and Vic Nuland, another warring succubus, she reminds me of a “bum pie” on the sidewalks of San Francisco, her shape and expression excreting noxious gases into the environment.
Men like Chuck Schumer, a gay man married to a transvestite, pretending to be a normal couple, like the Obamas, The Clintons, representing the USA now in a most malignant and embarrassing charade!
People like transvestite man, “Rachel Levine”. Their political agenda includes the torture and mutilation of our youth. They themselves won’t cut their dicks off, they will keep their dicks because they enjoy using their dicks.
Don’t try to find good meaning in their actions, they are what they are, pure perversion. The USA is run by a Jewish Mafia as the Mexican President said the other day, he forgot to add “Crazy Satanic Gay Jewish Mafia.”
NOW, THERE IS NOTHING THAT MAKES A MORE SATANIC STATEMENT, than Joe Biden, the usurper, declaring “Transexual Day of Visibility” on Easter Sunday, which fell on the 31 of March this year.
Let the debauch gays, writhe in filth and depravation, who cares! don’t look at them, DO NOT ACKNOWLED THEM at all! they will be indeed INVISIBLE! The Devil has a huge vain ego, that’s what got him in trouble in the first place, and these type Gays also have a huge ego, they hate nothing more than to be ignored.
I am on a grid of frequencies with those who want to keep the United States of America to remain under the Constitution as written 250 years ago. I vibe with those who uphold and respect our Forefathers and declare:
“A Nation indivisible under God”
The Antithesis is necessary ONLY for you to learn the difference, BUT YOU DON’T HAVE TO ACCEPT IT WHEN IT THREATENS YOUR LIFE. These cultural changes do threaten the spiritual evolution of your soul.
When all the frequencies are harmonious with the Divine will, we ascend to heaven to be with the Father.
Eventually all things come to an end, and we will also come to an end as we are now and become something else.
Thank you for reading 💚🐾🐾