What a wonderful day! here's what last night meditations yielded to me, also this is long, because I don't know if I will be able to post to X again and share free Stacks.
Very quiet and dreamy from my window’s view… I sure hope you feel like me, right now, I am grateful and full of bliss! I declare myself so very lucky…. to be me! 😂
The good thing about being an old lady is that whatever assailed your soul in youth, has pretty much left, you are left contented, fat and sassy, if you learnt the right lessons that is, otherwise if you didn’t, and if you are still an insufferable biaatch, then IDK… keep suffering? I guess? 🤷 not much can be done or said about you.
But I, ladies and gents, I am grateful for my suffering because contemplating the opposite, a life with an ignorant obtuse and hermetically closed mind, is horrifying to me. Often, I use this horrifying feeling to forgive others.
For example, I use it to forgive people at the grocery store, where those who protest my views go to express their disapproval of my spiritual, conservative pro-American views, with distasteful shenanigans.
I say to myself:
“Thank you, Father, for giving me this mind and intellect, this high IQ! because I can tell the difference between gossip and reality, and do not have the impulse to persecute people because of gossip online or telephones.”
“Because I cannot be bought, seduced nor manipulated by evil, and I can tell where the line is between not liking someone and murdering them with hate through Gang Stalking actions, through the phones or social media.”
“Imagine! that could have been you! someone so ignorant and unconscious, a megalomaniac! using technology to try to control and repress! as to protest anyone’s constitutional rights of a citizen, to say and think what they wish! You don’t see me making weird gestures towards those who support Biden, or give weird looks to illegal aliens, or LGBTQ people.”
“Thank God! I am not amongst those who are part of the insanely criminal gang stalkers, who want to murder someone like Catturd2 or Marjorie Taylor Greene by proxy" by doing something called Swatting.”
“I say to myself “Thank you God! for having given me hard lessons to break through the shell of unconsciousness, ignorance and ego!”
“Lord I could’ve been a megalomaniac like those who fall for the Transgender Pedophilic Jewish Globalist Cabal Agenda! especially when they get paid by Soros or Schwab! Thank you, Father, for knocking me over the head so many times, giving me vision, hearing and understanding!”
“Thank you, God, because my river of tears ended up being a holy river of blessings where I was baptized and born again new to my new Spiritual self!”
“Thank you, Lord Jesus! for showing me a way, a step, and my work! when I was born in hell and from the gates of hell you showed me how to walk myself out!”
And so, on and on I go through out my days… always praying, since childhood, because it takes a long time to get there, lifetimes really… so you better get started. 🙏
I have endless prayers of gratefulness as it is easy to be inspired when there is a throng of unconscious, ungodly, people persecuting you, that love morbid content, pornography and the Devil himself!
Needless to say, to be grateful for your hard-earned lessons, which you would have ignored if it weren’t for the bitter taste suffering leaves behind, this is the sort of analysis best conducted in isolation, a consultation below the sheets after your prayers, when no one will interrupt you in your inner search.
There, in the darkness of your puny existence, commune with your own heart upon your bed, as to who you truly are! and face your demons. If you have any, you will see them leering at you from the shadows whence they have attached themselves to your energy centers along the spinal cord.
99% of people have thousands of these, you have been unaware of them, until you try to get rid of them, try…you’ll see… in which ever energy center along your spine they feed, where they entered long ago and now, they fancy themselves real!
Whether you invited them, or unconsciously by your filthy actions and thoughts you attracted them, and made it easy for them to come in, it is entirely your fault, and not God, nor any creature above or below did this but you alone!
The ego doesn’t want to hear this, and hides, while the demons or spiritual entities claim more and more of their host’s reality. They are vampiric.
I am grateful that I suffered (a lot! even though I get flattered by others because of my wisdom, I don’t get a “big head”, I am telling you, it didn’t come free of charge! 😂
Every ego-whipping, every time, I learned a ton! kicking and screaming I was dragged through the fire until I started to take responsibility and started to ask myself the right questions. I shudder at my young self, the selfishness mostly arrived from ignorance and social retardation!
My Karma comes from past lives, for a reason, I was one of those like the woke atheists, fake Christians, fake Jews, politically correct hypocrites, who didn’t believe in God, or thought that participating in Holy Mass, and taking Holy Communion would erase all my sinful actions. IT DOESN’T, it only works if you truly, soul wrenchingly mean it and NEVER DO IT AGAIN! so I died rich and selfish and beautiful and was born again, poor, suffering and ugly! 😁
I am so aware of these truths, namely the Karmic Law of Cause and Effect, a purely energetic law, both spiritually and physically, that I don’t use my full abilities against people. If I did lol! I would be the President of the World!
BUT because I know what awaits Schwab and Soros and all those who serve them! yikes! FAFO! 😬not worth it🔥🔥🔥
Today, I enjoy the peacefulness of this place, where I am, right now such a beautiful city, the snow is beginning to fall, and it is already darkening. It is magnificent this old town by the ocean and the olde buildings and my hosting family have this wonderful beautiful old mansion and they gave me the room with the view!
So grateful, and I just wished that I spiritually I had accomplished more, I will keep trying to learn, I will keep trying to practice and awaken, and seek my God in this life and the next. Nothing else matters.
(… me and my surviving cats, will give you that look too, when we dance our way around the shenanigans of humanity, as each of us humans face our judgement day! 😂💚🐾🐾)
2024 put on your bullet proof vest! and your dancing shoes! first 6 months…
Biden is betrayed and flies away like the ghost of Christmas past, he dies!
Everyone’s worst nightmares come true with the ascent of? 👇🏻yep! and she opens the White House wide open to the Globalist Pedophilic Jewish Cabal! (a short-lived reign of terror)
I mean they are salivating! They are in a hurry to change the Constitution, and while they are doing it…. they will keep us busy dodging bullets of shenanigans!
Earthquakes in CA, because it is a filthy Scheißkorb run by pedophiles.
Volcanoes erupting, here in the USA, two, two in Europe, big ones!
Electromagnetic Weapons Systems deployed against anyone of importance…targets are Tucker Carlson, and all other important influential people, we are talking Havana Syndrome. They are about to get a taste of how shitty it is to have these fckrs torturing you all the time, as they have been torturing thousands of ordinary citizens in the USA, like this poor black young woman who gets hit right in the kidneys as she drives to and from work.
Obama’s film “Leave the World blah blah? did you see it yet? that is their warning.
As I’ve told you many times before, the rules in the Higher Court of heaven are that they must let us know first. People don’t read, don’t like people like me, because of ego, I hit them with the truth of their vanity and ignorance and they stick their head in the sand, BUT people do watch videos and films.
Soon enough all of you will feel what “Targeted Individuals” have been telling me all along. Doctor Steven Greer has suffered through this scheisse for decades! But Tucker Carlson hasn’t interviewed him yet, and Joe Rogan erased his interview with him, why? Fear? You too will be wearing the Aluminum hats, for real!
That will be the fun part for me, because Americans are bunch of very ingenious and clever men and women, the engineering class, we have a surplus of engineering minds! YES! our secret weapon!
In this next explosive first months of 2024, will be fun to read and see what clever things, the engineering minds come up with, to combat the electromagnetic weapons systems and their electronic espionage machines via MUSK’s SATELLITES.
Some of them will fall from the skies as Dark Net is deployed, and they will fall along with any other machine that is flying at the time.
They will release their deadly virus as we Americans regain our courage hidden in our DNA and let out the doggos! the George Washingtons! The Ashli Babittses! the Michael Cassidys! the Tucker Carlsons! of this country!
AMERICANS SURE ARE A BEAUTIFUL BUNCH! NOT PHYSICALLY BEAUTIFUL AS THE SLAVS, THE RUSSIANS, (they won the DNA lottery) BUT AMERICANS ARE JUST AMAZING! like super monkeys of all races came down from heaven to cause trouble! I can’t wait! because I know it is still here! America still got it!
Chicago will burn! Boston will burn! NYC will crumble, flood and burn! because they are filthy humans. California will fall into the sea and Texas, Arizona and Vegas, literally muster a NON-COMPLIANT army against the wave of invaders on their way to the USA. More than you can imagine!
In all fairness, they don’t see themselves as invaders, they have been told, the USA is giving them free housing and money to live here. So, we should turn them away in a civilized manner, BUT IT WON’T BE POSSIBLE! they will overrun the barriers as they did in Europe and there will be blood!
The Black out won’t happen until more towards the end.
PRESIDENT TRUMP WILL SURVIVE AN ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT. (They better stop trying, because no one will succeed at killing Trump)
Unfortunately, a loney will try to assassinate Robert F Kennedy, because they want to eliminate his name from History I didn’t see if they succeed, I don’t think so.
K. Schwab and Soros, go under, literally under with the demons, the so-called Reptilians, but know that The Illumination of Consciousness is an upcoming event as true as death is! they can run, but they can’t hide!
We will know more in the upcoming months. That many happen to be Jewish and of Jewish descent within the Globalist Cabal is a karmic consequence for Jewish people. NOT MY FAULT.
FINALLY, ELON MUSK’S FIRST AMMENDMENT EXECUTIONERS will soon suspend this account as well, because it is hosting my Substack. I don’t know when I’ll talk to you again… (yeah, yeah, I get it, he’s running a business blah,blah, and if he is doing that then he is false advertising.
Fact is, there is no First Amendment “lawful but awful” section B, as long as he tolerates filthy pornography and all the rest, he can tolerate the truth of SOME ONE’S OPINION AND BELIEFS! LET THE PUBLIC DECIDE WHETHER THEY WANT TO LISTEN OR NOT.
Truth is that if I drop my guard, I would be having to fend off filthy pornography galore on my stream. I employ lots of blocks, BUT not once have I been shocked or offended by someone’s opinion.
Censor me and the bullet will ricochet and hit you twice as hard. Alex Jones is an example of this, because his employees who are Jewish, were attacking me, he may or may not know this.
Anyway people, I am going to be writing to offer you more reading material here on Substack coming soon, but it will be subscribers only eventually. Thank you for your patience.
Thank you for reading and supporting me. 💚🐾🐾